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Music Frequency Range Chart

Music Frequency Range Chart

The musical spectrum is a range of frequencies that humans can hear. The human ear can detect sounds from 16 Hz to around 20,000 Hz. When we talk about the “frequency” of a sound, we are talking about the number of waves that pass by us every second.

The human ear cannot hear sounds below or above this range, which means that low bass notes (below 16 Hz) and high treble notes (above 20,000Hz) will not be detected by our ears.

Certain frequencies are better for certain tasks than others. For example, bass frequencies are good for creating an intense atmosphere, while high treble frequencies work well for creating a sharp, crisp sound.

Below is the Music Frequency Range Chart:

Lower LimitUpper LimitDescription
16Hz40HzDeep Bass
40Hz100HzMid Bass
100Hz250HzUpper Bass
250Hz500HzLower Midrange
500Hz1,000HzMiddle Midrange
1,000Hz2,000HzUpper Midrange
2,000Hz3,500HzLower Treble
3,500Hz6,000HzMiddle Treble
6,000Hz10,000HzUpper Treble
10,000Hz20,000HzTop Octave

What is frequency Hz for sound

Frequency Hz is the number of waves per second in sound. High frequency means high-pitched, low frequency means low-pitched. The higher the frequency the more waves are passing you per second. That means bass waves a further apart and treble waves are compressed together.


Frequencies are a way to measure sounds and put them into a mechanical perspective. It’s a good way to visualize what happens when certain sounds pass our ears. It may be a good way to help determine how to find a good audio system also