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How To Connect Iphone To Onkyo TX-NR626 Receiver

How To Connect Iphone To Onkyo TX-NR626 Receiver

Are you stuck trying to figure out how to connect your iphone to your Onkyo TX-NR626 receiver? Maybe we can help.

1. Press the bluetooth button on the front panel of the TX626. It’s located all the way to the left. A little light will start flashing. This activates it’s pairing mode. You need to make sure your phone is within pairing range which is about 3 feet from the receiver. You should see “Onkyo TX-626” come up on your mobile device in the list of bluetooth pairing connections.

2. Find the source of your device displaying on the front panel of your Onkyo 626. For example if your phone is “Ted’s Iphone” the 626 will display ‘Ted’s Iphone” on the front display.

3. Now to use your phone as the source push the home button on the remote.

4. Select Input.

5. Scroll up.

6. Select BLUETOOTH and press OK. Now your Onkyo receiver should be receiving source from your iphone or android of whatever bluetooth device you connected.

Still not working? Troubleshooting:

1. Is your 626 connected to your NETWORK? Make sure your DHCP is enabled.

2. Is your TX-626 Network Standby turned on?

3. Have you downloaded and installed the Onkyo App to your device?

We hope this helped. Good Day.