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Yamaha Receiver Sound But No Picture

Yamaha Receiver Sound But No Picture

How to Handle Audio and Visual Issues With Your Yamaha Receiver

These days we are spoiled with several devices designed to make our home theater state of the art. A Yamaha receiver is no exception.

You might be asking what a receiver is and why you need one. A receiver is the cornerstone of your average home theater system. Once you have decided which video you would like to watch, the receiver will send the video straight to your TV, and it will send the video’s audio to the decoder. The decoder’s job is to sort out the channels from the video signal and pass on the information to the amplifiers connected for each sound channel outlet. After that, you have great visuals offered by your TV and outstanding audio from your amplifiers.

Although all of this sounds simple enough, we are still dealing with electronics, and with that comes complications at times. For example, your Yamaha receiver can offer audio but no visual. Here’s how to deal with it if this happens to you.

How do I reset my Yamaha receiver?

You have tried switching everything off and on again with no prevail. Now it is time to consider resetting your Yamaha receiver. You can reset the receiver back to its factory settings by following these steps:

  1. Find the “Master On and Off” button on the front panel of your Yamaha receiver and turn it off.
  2. Find the “Straight or Effect” button and press it down, holding it down.
  3. While still holding the “Straight or Effect” button, press the “Master On and Off” buttons. After doing this, the advanced menu will appear on your Yamaha receiver’s display. When this happens, release the ‘Master On and Off’ buttons and the ‘Straight or Effect’ buttons.
  4. There is a knob on your Yamaha receiver called the “program selector” knob. Turn it to the right until the display shows “Initialize Cancel.”
  5. Press your “Straight or Effect” button until you see “Initialize All” on display. You might need to press the button repeatedly before this happens.
  6. Now you can press the “Master On and Off” button switching your Yamaha receiver off.
  7. After the Yamaha receiver has been switched off for a minute or two, press the “Master On and Off” button to turn your Yamaha receiver back on. Your Yamaha receiver is now reset to its factory default settings.

What should I do if I can hear cable TV, but there is no picture?

You need to have your HDMI video sources adequately connected to your receiver to get HDMI video. To do this, you need to make sure that your TV is set to the HDMI input that will be connected to the receiver. After checking the HDMI input on your receiver and TV, you can try pressing the Setup button on your remote if you still aren’t receiving any video signals. After pressing the setup button on your remote, you should see the on-screen menu appear on your TV. If you press the setup button and don’t see the setup menu, you should unplug the HDMI cable from your TV and your receiver and swap it.

If you have tried this and are still not seeing a video signal on your TV, your receiver might need a service. Yamaha has several authorized service centers, so there is bound to be one close to you. The easiest way to find out where the nearest authorized service center is is to check out their servicer locator page on their website. It allows you to enter your zip code, and it will find the closest authorized service center to you. Once you have located the service center, take your Yamaha Receiver to be checked.

What should I do if there is no Sound?

  • Keep your receiver on, but switch all other devices off.
  • Go to ‘Basic Menu.’
  • Click on the ‘Set Menu’ button until you see ‘ Setup’ on your screen. Then click on ‘next’. You’ll then be able to choose your room size. After you have selected your room size, you can continue to the next step.
  • This step only applies if you have a subwoofer. If your subwoofer is connected to your receiver, select ‘yes’ using your Set Menu Buttons. However, if you don’t have a subwoofer connected, just move on to the next step.
  • Use your Set Menu Buttons to click ‘next’ again, and select the total number of speakers that have been attached to your receiver. Then you can press ‘next’.
  • You’ll now see ‘SET’ and ‘Cancel’ along with an arrow that is pointing to Cancel. You can use the Set Menu Buttons to move the arrow to ‘SET.’
  • Once you press ‘next’ again, the receiver will automatically start to send test tones to your speakers. It will go through all of your connected speakers twice. You will see when each speaker is being tested because a small icon will be flashing. Now you must listen to each of the speakers’ tests carefully. If you don’t hear the test tone coming from the speaker while being tested, you should note it. Wait for the receiver to complete the entire test. When the receiver has completed its test, it will ask with the words ‘Check OK?” on display. If you hear the test tone on all of the attached speakers, you can go ahead and click on ‘Yes’ and then jump ahead to step 10. However, if you didn’t hear the test tone on all the speakers, you should go on to the next step.
  • If any of the speakers failed to offer a test tone, use your Set Menu Buttons to select ‘No’ and press ‘Next.’ Your receiver will not send test tones to the speakers on the right and left sides. If you hear the tone on both sides, you can go ahead and click on ‘Yes,’ and then click on ‘Next.’ Continuing this step until you have tested all of your speakers. Do this over again until you have tested all of your speakers. Click ‘Next,’ and you will go back to the Basic Menu.
  • If there wasn’t a test tone on one of your speakers, you should check the wire connections of your speaker, including the physical connections at the back of your receiver and on the back of your speaker. Also, check the speaker’s wire to ensure that it hasn’t been damaged. If there has been any damage to any of your speakers’ wires, you should replace them before continuing.
  • Your audio problems should now be fixed. However, if you are still experiencing an issue with your audio, continue to step 11.
  • If you are still having issues with your audio, check all your connections again. Be sure to check that all of your cables have been connected to the proper input jacks and that each cable runs from the correct device. It is easy enough to get them mixed up, and then the wires end up in the wrong input jacks.
  • If you still have audio issues after completing all of these steps, you will need to take your Yamaha receiver to an authorized service center for extensive testing.

Why does my Yamaha receiver keep shutting itself off?

Premature shutting off your Yamaha receiver can most often be caused by problems with the wiring between your receiver and your speaker. A wire in the wrong place can easily cause a short circuit event that will cause your receiver to shut off completely.

Why does my Yamaha receiver keep cutting out?

If your receiver is sharing a wall outlet with other appliances that require a high current, your Yamaha receiver might cut out. The reason for this will be insufficient current.

Why does my Yamaha receiver go into standby mode when I switch it on?

There are four possible causes of this is happening, each with a simple solution. Let’s look at the causes individually.

  • Your power cable isn’t properly connected to the power outlet. The solution is to connect it properly.
  • Your speaker impedance setting isn’t correct. Check the impedance setting of your speaker and match it to your receiver.
  • The protection circuitry of your receiver has been activated. To solve this problem, make sure that all the wires running to and from the speakers are secure. They shouldn’t be touching anything other than the connection. If any wires have been damaged, you will need to replace them.
  • Your receiver has been exposed to severe static electricity and is experiencing an extreme external electric shock. Set your receiver to standby mode, and then unplug the device. Leave it unplugged for at least 30 seconds before plugging it back in again. After that, you can continue using it normally again.


For some people Music is the sound of life, it can even act as a therapeutic. Your Yamaha receiver can be that conduit which delivers the proper dose of quality you require in your life. As with all technology we have in our lives today, your Yamaha receiver might challenge you with problems from time to time. Fortunately, these issues come with solutions allowing your Yamaha receiver to play on in no time.