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How To Setup A Home Theater System With Projector

How To Setup A Home Theater System With Projector

So you have come to the conclusion that your home theater will be better served with a projector as your main video source. If you find yourself asking this question chances are you either have a projector in hand or you are studying which projector is best for you. Let us go over a couple projector choices first.

Projector Choices

The LG-HU80KA is one of the most versatile and portable projectors out there. You can place it almost anywhere. It has a nifty handle to carry around. You can place it on the floor, on a chair, behind you, in front of you almost anywhere.

You can easily project on walls and ceilings. Its clever design allows you to do that with ease. You can also mount it permanently.

It has 4K UHD Resolution (3840 x 2160), 2500 ANSI Lumens, Up to 150” screen size, Supports HDR10 and is Smart TV enabled.

MSRP is about $2600.00

At less than half the price you have the LG-PF50KA LED CineBeam Projector. This projector is made to be super portable with built in battery.

It has Full HD (1920 x 1080), Up to 100″ Screen Size, Built in Battery (up to 2.5 hours), LG Smart TV, Wireless Connection and Up to 30,000 Hour Lamp Life.

MSRP ia about $650.00

That’s just to give you an idea of how vastly different projector prices can run and that’s just from the same manufacturer.

Setup Home Theater With Projector

Setting up your home theater is almost the same as with a TV. Your speakers are laid out the same but you need to choose which kind of setup you want. Basically 5 speaker setups. Some projectors have speakers built in, Soundbar, Soundbar with Sub Woofer, Soundbar with sub and satellite speakers, Dedicated AV receiver with satellite speakers. If you choose the last option you have mega choices between receiver types, speaker types and speaker layout.

Built In Speakers

You may elect to set up your home theater in stages. The first thing you could do is buy the projector. Some projectors have built in speakers like the ViewSonic M1, and the BenQ TH671ST. This allows you to get up and running quickly. Mount the projector and your done. You dont even need a screen. Project your content directly on the wall. Your wall should be as flat and smooth as possible and painted flat white.


The next step to setting up your home theater with projector is the audio. How much do you have in your budget? If you dont have much in your budget but want to get started sooner rather than later a soundbar is the next logical step. Soundbars can run between $50 and $800. Most are shipped with a subwoofer and are wireless bluetooth enabled for easy integration with your projector.

Soundbar With Satellites

After you have your soundbar for a while you may want to add some satellite speakers for a little more depth to your audio experience. Satellite speakers add another layer of immersive sound to your content. There are many to choose from but it would be best to choose speakers that are compatible with your soundbar. You can mount satellite speakers on the wall or in the ceiling. There are also speakers you can place on a bookshelf or on stands. They usually work best when elevated above the floor. Placing them on the floor in the corner will probably not give the best quality sound.

Dedicated Home Theater

Having a dedicated home theater gives you the flexibility to choose each component according to your budget and liking. Your projector is the device that delivers the visual content. You now have to sync up the audio to work simultaneously. Lets say you are watching a DVD movie. Your DVD is delivering the content. The visual and audio is being served from that device. It serves the content to your AV receiver and to your projector. The AV receiver then serves the audio signal to the speakers. There are too many variables to explain how to sync everything up so you will have to rely on the directions provided by the manufacturers.

Wired Or Not

Will your dedicated home theater with projector be hard wired or wireless. This is in regards to your speakers. Hard wired speakers give you better quality sound with no interference from other devices. The task here is wire management. Will you run wires all over the floor or concealed in the wall? There are some nifty solutions to running wires without much of a hassle. The wireless way is for people who are not worried about quality but just want a system up and running quickly without musch hassle.

Speaker Setup

Your speakers for a dedicated home theater with projector is the same for any other home theater. You have the center channel speaker placed in front of you, side channel speakers, rear channel speakers and a sub woofer. The sub can be placed anywhere because bass sounds are not really considered directional but room filing. The other speakers shoukld be placed in their respective positions.

Good Luck with your home theater with projector project. We hope this helped.